Rychlá pozvánka na zítřejší seminář „Vzdělání k míru“

Má kamarádka Světlanka mi přeposlala tuto pozvánku na seminář, který organizuje ve školce, kde učí… Omlouvám se za tak pozdní avízo, ale třeba se přeci jen někdo z vás utrhne a dorazí… :) Seminář je v angličtině, tak že i pozvánku přikládám v angličtině…

Dear parents, friends. 

On the 19th of October from 3:30 to 4:00 p.m. there will be our 1st Primary Workshop. The topic of the workshop is “Honoring the light of the Child”. Take time in your busy schedules to nourish peaceful living skills in yourself and your children! You might think why is it necessary to design special lessons of love, kindness, compassion and tolerance. By preparing a peaceful environment and modeling peaceful behavior for 3-6 years old children, the whole society can be transformed, so that our culture favors caring, compassion, justice and love. No doubt it is a huge task. But it is our truest calling as human beings.

If you find this topic interesting, you are welcome to invite any of your family members or friends.  

I am looking forward to sharing with you key-activities (about self awareness; resolving conflicts peacefully; identifying and expressing feelings…), you can include in your daily life right now. 

Sincerely, Svetlana


Our address:
V Parku 2308/8
Praha 4 – Chodov 

e-mail: svetlana@nestlingue.cz


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